it looks that we've missed the snl seminar that Casanova fags organized.
it was awesome..tyler was the surprise guest and blew the roof off the place!
some fan boy:
"Tyler ALONE, was worth the money. learned a ton, his presentation was by FAR my favorite.
Here are a couple notes i took, but he didnt really leave much opportunity for us to take note or we would have missed the Infield videos of him.
But here they are.
The 1/3 rule
Low intent
medium intent
HIGH INTENT! (Koolaid man Frame)
He showed videos illustrating each one.
The high level of Intent Video, He stopped some Super Hot blonde girl from getting in a cab. and just said "dont get in the cab"
He picked her up and carried her a couple blocks, he was only saying things like, how he was gonna molest her, etc. I think i remember her pointing to an alley way (where he could fuck her!!). All happened in a few seconds.
The other notable video was when Tyler tooled a promoter and took his girl, he said he doesnt do that anymore. usually, if your just social and fun, handling guys will take care of itself.
Then there was Tyler's Blow out Clip, He showed a TON of videos of how he got and gets Blown out, Some of these were VERY funny and it actually looked fun to get blown out.
He said that when hes in a bad state, and he is getting blown out, he plows by "cracking jokes to himself", Pulling a girl back to him saying wait, wait, wait, I love you,
He also made some funny joke about swine flu, the girl laughed and then ran away??
The wrong way to draw confidence, Tell joke: girl laughs, confidence goes up.
The right way to draw confidence, Self Amuse: you laugh, confidence goes up.
Then his long speech about lenses, and how each is beneficial, and to not identifying with them."
^Thats the jist of my note and what i remember. OBVIOUSLY it is a vague overview, Kinda felt bad for the guy who had to follow THAT up...
The videos were awesome, Tyler gave away FREE copies of NINE ball (Jeffys new book)
TONS of VALUE PACKED into however long Tyler was up there...
P.S. The other guests were good too, I can do an awesome impression of speer
P.P.S if anyone has a better notes on Tylers speech about lenses and different self's that you have could you please post them!"
i appreciate about rsd that they admit it's a #'s game. get rejected 20 times a night but take a girl home that same night. they admitted it many times, all of them - tyler, ozzie, tim, jeffy.
other gurus that admit it readily: bradp, zan.
any guru that tells you else (that it's not a numbers game) is lying. i won't start to list them because puahate's hosting account will run out of disk space.
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give examples, how did he tool the promoter.....
I saw those videos too
There was a guy and a girl sitting he walks up and goes "rawr!" then he tells the guy that he has a big wang in a joking way and that tyler wang is small. tyler says how he had to pay $20 to get in, the guy talks crap about how hes in the belvedere suite and how hes a badass rich guy.The guy just walks away , tyler gets the girls number. He made the guy look try hard pretty much.
"don't get in the cab, im gonna fiddle you in the parking lot" almost unreal
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Exactly, though pretty good business on their part. They have more than enough idiots who will pay the big money to go to those stupid events so they can see those oh so previous "infield" stuff. It is the holy grail after all, and will totally revolutionize their lives.